Encore Photography
Sign Alphabet
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Sept 30, 8th Media Arts
Do now: Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Greeting- table greeting, Attendance and Announcements
- Quiz- Save to the HAND IN WORK folder
- Start in iMovie
- Upload photos into iMovie
- add a title and credits
- add effects and transitions
- try different sound
Planner: Define "mood"
8th Media Arts Blue
Sept 29, 6th Digital Art

Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: wink or peace sign
- Review Typographic Self Portrait presentation
- Demonstration in Illustrator
- Start your design. Sign up for help. You should be half done by the end of class.
Planner: What software program are we using for your Typographic self portrait?
6th Grade Digital Art
Sept 30, Painting and Drawing
Do Now:
Sit at assigned table, Get supply bin for your table
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- Automatism design
- Illuminated Letter
- Make sure you have finished and filled out a self-evaluation and reflection (you can do the extra credit if you have more time)
- Presentation on "Play" in Art. Take notes.
- Try "Bulletism"
Planner: Write down the name of one artist or art movement from the presentation
Painting and Drawing
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Sept 28, Painting and Drawing
Do Now:
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- "Exquisite Corpse"
- Illuminated Letter
- Finish color and gold paint details
- Paint an ORNATE frame (detailed decoration)
- Fill out a self-evaluation and reflection (you can do the extra credit if you have more time)
- Presentation on "Play" in Art
Painting and Drawing
Sept 30, 7th Media Art
- Part 1: Finish Photo Scavenger Hunt
- Part 2: Begin in iMovie
- Upload photos to computer
- Watch example movie
- Import photos to iMovie
- Edit down to best 10-15 photos
Planner: write the definition to Edit
7th Grade Gold
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sept 27, 6th Digital Art
Do now:
Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: wink or peace sign
- Pass back and review Media Arts Lab Procedure Worksheet
- Check to see if you have saved a "word list" to the HAND IN WORK HERE folder. Partner up and help those who have not yet handed in.
- Typographic Self Portrait presentation
- Demonstration in Illustrator
Planner: What software program are we using for your Typographic self portrait?
6th Grade Digital Art
Sept 27, 8th Media Art
Do now: Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Greeting- table greeting, Attendance and Announcements
Greeting- table greeting, Attendance and Announcements
- Pass back and review Media Arts Procedure WS
- Start Photo Series project- Rewatch example
- Start in iMovie
- Upload photos into iMovie
- add a title and credits
- add effects and transitions
- try different sound
Planner: Define "series"
8th Media Arts Blue
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Sept 28, 8th AY Digital Art
Do now: Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Greeting- share, Attendance and Announcements
- Start Photo Collection project
- Watch example
- Check out cameras, remember contract rules
- Shoot 10-12 GOOD photos of a collection (you will delete most)
- Upload photos to your folder
- Check in cameras
Planner: Define "series"
8th Grade Gold (AY)
Friday, September 23, 2011
Sept 26, 7th Media Art
- Check out cameras and USB cord
- Try "Macro photography" or Extreme Close Up
- Save one close up and one extreme close up to the HAND IN WORK folder (named with your last name)
- Check in cameras
- Finish Photography Worksheets
Planner: write the definition to Macro Photography
7th Grade Gold
Sept 27, Painting and Drawing
Do Now:
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- "Play"
- Illuminated Letter
- Finish drawing and coloring your full-size letter
- Add gold paint details
- Frame your letter
- Paint an ORNATE frame (detailed decoration)
- Fill out a self-evaluation and reflection
- Planner: Write the definition to ornate
Painting and Drawing
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sept 23, 6th Digital Art
Do now:
Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: eyes and smiles
- Finish Lab Procedure Worksheet
- Practice saving a file to your folder
- Design yourself a "Word List" with different fonts and effects
- Save it to your folder nd the HAND IN WORK folder
Planner: Write down the TWO folders you must always save finished work too.
6th Grade Digital Art
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Sept 22, Media Art Lab Procedures
Answer question, sit at tables
Mingle greeting
Mingle greeting
- Read through worksheet
- Log on to assigned computer
- Complete the worksheet. You will need these two links:
- Practice starting and saving a file to your folder
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sept 21, 6th Digital Art
Do now:
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: eyes and smiles
- Typographic Self-Portrait
- Presentation
- Movie "Typolution"
- Finish research
- Demonstration- creating and saving your file
- Do (log on to assigned computer, create and save to your process folder
Planner: Write down how to name and where to save your files
6th Grade Digital Art
Sept 23, 8th Media Art
Do now: Answer the daily question, Sit at tables
Greeting- eyes, smiles, Attendance and Announcements
- Start Photo Series project
- Watch example
- Check out cameras, remember contract rules
- Shoot LOTS of photos for your series You will delete most, but keep at least 10-12 GOOD photos)
- Upload photos to your folder
- Check in cameras
Planner: Define "series"
8th Media Arts Blue
Sept 22. Painting and Drawing
Do Now:
Get supply bin for your table
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- Pattern designs
- Illuminated Letter
- finish 12 sketches
- draw your letter on full size paper- fill top to bottom
- you must have a background and details inside your letter
- add color with colored pencil or marker (very neatly!!)
Painting and Drawing
Friday, September 16, 2011
Sept 20, 7th Media Art
Greeting- next table
- Check out cameras and try shots
- Finish Photography Worksheets (if there's time)
Planner: write the number of the camera you checked out
7th Grade Gold
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Sept 20, 8th Media Art

Do now:
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Greeting- pass the snap
Attendance and Announcements
- Photo videos: Framing your subject, and NY Photo Exhibit
- Photo Basics
- Read camera contract
- Check out cameras in pairs
- Camera set-up
- Practice shots with partner: wide shot, medium shot, medium close up, close up, extreme close up.
- Practice shots with object: macro close-up, centered object, off center object, (see camera shots, angles and movement
- Check in cameras
Sept 20, Painting and Drawing
Answer daily question
Sit at assigned table
Get supply bin for your table
Attendance and Announcements
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- Brainstorm with shapes
- Folders and pass back papers
- Illuminated Letter
- finish 12 sketches
- draw your letter on full size paper
- you must have a frame, a background, and details inside your letter
Painting and Drawing
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Sept 19, 6th Digital Art
Do now:

Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: elbow hello
- Digital Arts Posters
- Digital Arts Review video
- Present to the class
- Seating chart and Log on to computer
- Start Typographic Self-Portrait
- Presentation
- Movie "Typolution"
Planner: Write 3 different fields of digital art
6th Grade Digital Art
Sept 15, 8th Media Arts
- Review Elements of Media Arts
- Finish posters
- Present and hang
- Table assignments
- Photography Basics worksheet
- Photo vocabulary
Planner: Write the Elements of Media Art
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Sept 15, Painting and Drawing
Do Now:
Answer daily question
Sit at assigned table
Greeting- Hello to the table across from you
Attendance and Announcements
- Warm Up- Orange
- Start Principles of Art packet
- One minute movie
- Elements in art
- Finish Portfolios (elements of art)
Planner: Write the Principles of Design
Sept 14, 7th Media Arts
Do now:
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables with your poster group!
Greeting- Wave hello to someone at next table
Attendance and Announcements
- Seating Chart
- Check out equiptment (in groups)
- Each person in group try logging on
- Research for posters on Media Arts jobs
- Search on google
- Write down important words and notable people
- Log off and check in equiptment
- Collage posters
Sept. 14, 8th Media Arts (AY)
Do now:
Answer the daily question
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Greeting- Neighbor handshake (at tables)
Attendance and Announcements
- Seating chart
- Practice checking out equiptment with your group
- Each person try logging on
- Check in equiptment
- Finish Elements of Media Arts posters
Planner: Write down your computer number
Monday, September 12, 2011
Sept 13, 6th Digital Arts
Answer the daily question (on the white board)
Sit at tables
Attendance and Announcements
Greeting: Pass high fives (table-mates)
- You will be partnered. Explain your symbols to your partner.
- You will introduce your partner.
- Computer Lab Rules
- Tour Room
- What is Digital Arts? (Posters)
Planner: Write the definition to “symbolism”
Sept 13, 8th Media Art Blue
Do now:
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Greeting- Hive five pass (at tables)
Attendance and Announcements
- Finish Collage introductions
- Computer Lab Rules
- Tour room
- Media Center Supervisor Applications
- What is “Media Arts?”
1. Discuss the elements of Media Arts
2. Create collage posters for each element (image, sound, space, time, sequence, motion)
a. Underline important words
b. Include these words and relevant images
Planner: Write the elements of Media Arts
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Sept 12, 7th Media Arts
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Hive five pass (at tables)
and Announcements
- Finish Student Stew Introductions
- Computer lab rules
- Tour of classroom
- Media Center Supervisor Applications
- What is “Media Arts?”
Discuss the professions of Media Arts
Create collage posters for each job
Write the address of the classroom blog
Sept 12, 8th Media Arts (AY)
Answer the daily question
Sit at tables
Hive five pass (at tables)
and Announcements
- Computer Lab Rules
- Media Center Supervisor Applications
- What is “Media Arts?”
Discuss the elements of Media Arts
Create collage posters for each element (image, sound, space, time,
sequence, motion)
Underline important words
Include these words and relevant images
Sept 12, STAR
Gold Day
morning everyone!
Answer the daily question “If you had a
factory, what would it make?”
Form a circle
double high five
and Announcements
with a partner
A Cold Wind Blows
Planner: Get a book to read
Friday, September 9, 2011
Sept 13, Painting and Drawing
Do Now:

Answer daily question
Sit at assigned table
Greeting- Fist bump table-mates
Attendance and Announcements
- Classroom Rules
- Warm Up- Brainstorming
- Portfolios (elements of art)
Planner: Write the elements of art
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Sept 9, 6th Digital Art
Do now:
Answer the daily question (on the white board)
Sit at tables
Greeting: Table mates
- Review reading about "coat of arms"
- How can you show your personality and what is important to you?
- Use symbols and colors in each panel (see example)
- We will use these to introduce a partner to the class.
Planner: Write the definition to “symbolism”
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