Wednesday, April 25, 2012

6th and 7th Grade, Planner Cover Design

Design a cover for next year's planner!

The winning design will appear on hundreds of student planners!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

6th Media Arts, Copyright worksheet

Go to this link and answer the questions on your worksheet: Cyberbee
Go to this link and take the quiz: Copyright Kids
Try some of these games: Media Awareness Games

If you have extra time, go through the Webonauts training here

8th Media Arts, Illustrator practice

Before we begin working in Adobe Illustrator, it is important that you learn some basic tool functions. Follow along on your worksheet to create this picture:

7th Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship

Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship

2. Go to MTV's A Thin Line and answer the questions on your worksheets
3. Watch "Lets Fight it Together." Answer the questions on your worksheet.
4. Look at this example "friendbook" profile and answer the questions on your worksheet.
5. Take the Cyberbullying Quiz
6. Explore some of the resources below

Links to Resources:
NSTeens (Great videos on digital citizenship issues and "real stories")
Digizen (UK)
THINKUKNOW (divided by age)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

7th Media Arts, Design a Magazine Cover

1. Research
Research Magazine Covers
Pick one magazine and answer the questions on your worksheet

2. Vocabulary
you can use your dictionary application

3. Sketch your own original magazine cover

4. Start designing in Photoshop

8th Food Packaging Design

1. Use the dictionary application to look up the following words: brand, slogan, UPC, FDA, consumer.

2. Examples of Slogans

3. Decide on your customer or consumer.

4. Food Advertising Strategies

5. Package Design Examples and Inspiration

  1. Packaging of the World
  2. Inspiration Feed
  3. Great Packagin Design
  4. Lovely Package
  5. Google Image Search, Best packaging
6. Brainstorm/Plan/Sketch
7. Follow the directions on your worksheet. 8. You must include a Brand name, Description or  Slogan, Ingredients, Nutritional information, Barcode. You may include a picture of the product or illustrations.
9. Design using Adobe Illustrator. Demonstration
