Thursday, December 19, 2013

Painting and Drawing: Close Up

We will study "hyper-realism", the work of artist Chuck Close, and create our own close up drawings.

1. Presentation 1:

Student examples

2. Presentation 2: Hyperrealism Examples.
3. Other examples: Photorealism Presentation. Chuck Close presentation
4. Research.
     Go to the Guggenheim website. Pick one work of art and answer the questions on your worksheet.
     Go to ArtsConnectEd: Chuck Close. Answer the questions on your worksheet
5. Videos
Chuck Close: Letter to my Younger Self
Chuck Close and the Grid
- Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress Trailer
Duane Hanson: Woman Eating

6. Practice drawing using a grid
7. Take a close up picture (your face must fill the frame)
8. Create grid
9. Draw, shade and add detail
10. Artist statement, Critique and present
"Frank" by Chuck Close, at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Other PhotoRealism artists

Monday, December 9, 2013

AmE: Arts meets Engineering Conference

Columbia Academy Arts and Engineering classes are holding the 2nd annual Arts meets Engineering conference. This year's theme is "movement".

Proceeds from the conference will go to SACA the local food shelf. Here is a video with Dave from SACA.

Art Making Machines


6th Media ARts: Sketch-Up Sculture

Ms. Fowler and her son with Claes Oldenburg
sculpture at the Walker Art Center


Go to THIS PAGE for sculpture videos and examples. Ms. Fowler will present.

Walker Sculpture Garden
Olympic Sculpture Park

Outdoor Sculptures


Google Sketch-Up tutorial video

Extra Time games:

Architect Studio 3D (might not work)
My Imaginary City

Friday, December 6, 2013

8th Media Arts: Fortune Cookie Posters

We will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and design posters. You will get a fortune cookie, and you must create an interesting, dynamic, eye-catching design. Use what you learn about composition, fonts and typography.

Research and Planning

  1. What is Typography? Presentation
  2. The History of Typography Video
  3. Go to some of the free font websites and download some fonts you may want to try (in addition to the ones on your computer.
  4. Text effects practice. Tutorial video1. Video 2.
  5. Select a random cookie. What you get is what you get!
  6. Sketch your design. It could be a drawing or interesting type or a combination of both.

Look at these websites for some inspiration:

Pintrest Fortune Cookie Poster Ideas

Design. Follow the directions on your worksheet.

Extra time activities
Shape type
Kern type

Thursday, December 5, 2013

7th Media Arts: Stop Motion Animation


1. Watch some stop-motion examples: Stop-motion Animations


1. Draw your storyboard
2. Form groups of 3 or 4.
      Person 1- Director: Oversees the filming and production. Follows the storyboard.
      Person 2- Camera-person: Makes sure each shot is properly lit, in focus and steady.
      Persons 3 (and 4)- Actors: Either act in the movie or control the set/characters/objects.


1. Make your set, characters, lettering, and anything else you need.
2. Create a title sequence
3. Take pictures
4. Edit your photos in iMovie

Friday, November 15, 2013

8th Media Arts: GarageBand

1. Complete the Research and Planning worksheet
2. Choose a found video to compose music for. It must be 1:30 minutes or longer.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Painting and Drawing: Minimalism

1. Watch presentation on Minimalist Art

2. "The Dot" Read together

3. Videos- Richard Serra, Susan Rothenberg

4. Design: Minimalist posters for children's books, Minimal TV show posters

5. Research "Minimalism" on your own using these websites: Moma website, MOCA Museum. Use MS Word to type a persuasive paragraph, trying to convince me that Minimalism is or isn't art.

6. Minimalist Animation1, Minimalism Animation 2

7. Sketch your ideas for a "minimalist" painting

8. Create a color mixing practice painting

Monday, November 4, 2013

7th and 8th Media Arts: WallWisher

1. First. you will need to be logged on to your Google account.
          - Go to
          - Use the same log in as your computer log in
2. Then go to
3. Click on "Build A Wall"
4. Title it with your name
5. Add your question in the description. Make your question something creative. For example: "If you discovered a planet, what would you name it?" or "If you could travel to any city in the world, where would you go?" or "If you had to eat one thing everyday, what would it be?"
6. Click on "wallpaper" and choose a background
7. Click on privacy and change the settings to "anyone", if you need too.
8.  Click on "address" and select and copy the address
9. Now go to
10. Find the post that says "wall wishers assignment" (first one)
11. Go to the bottom and "add a comment"
12. Paste your wall's address
13. Ask at least 10 people to visit your wall and answer your question

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Painting and Drawing: Zentangle Landscapes

  1. First research "Folk Art" Use the links below
  1. What is a zentangle?
  2. Research Zentangle patterns
  3. Sketch 12 designs. Use care, be neat and precise.
  4. Start on your landscape design. Follow Ms. Fowler's demonstration.
Outsider ART Interactive Game

Thursday, October 24, 2013

6th Legendary Creatures

We will write a story about a made-up Legendary Creature, then use Adobe Photoshop to collage together photos to illustrate our creature. Here are some examples from last year.


1. Vocabulary
Use the Dictionary application for Vocabulary words

b. Myths, Legends, Fables and Folklore (answer the questions in your packet)
c. Look at these professional examples:

3. Sketch
Sketch in your packet

4. Write
Follow the directions on your worksheet, and us MSWord to write your legend.

5. Design

Monday, October 21, 2013

7th Media Arts: Fashion and Pattern design


Try the two activities linked from
  1. Symmetry Activity
  2. Organic and Geometric Shapes
  3. Patterns 
  4. Practice making some patterns
Now lets look at some examples of print and pattern designs. Go to: Print and PatternLook through all of the examples (you can also go through the archives). Pick 3 and describe them. 
Follow the directions on your worksheets to design 3 different patterns and apply them to 3 different items. Have fun!

NEXT: Create an original fashion design! Ms. Fowler will give you directions

Champion Hoodie Remix (design a hoodie)
Nike iD (design a shoe)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Painting and Drawing: Collage Portraits

1. Watch presentation and take notes
Mark Bradford videos, Mark Bradford Vimeo
Romare Bearden

2. Explore these websites:
Romare Bearden website
Collage Maker

3. Take a picture of yourself. Save it to the Fowler>Classroom>Paint/Draw folder. Ms. FOwler will print it. Trace onto white paper.

Extra Credit: Humanimal collage

Monday, October 7, 2013

8th Media Arts: Alice in Wonderland Posters

Your class has been hired to design posters for the musical "Alice in Wonderland Jr.".

First watch some movie clips and look at what other designers have done.


Video Clips

Sketch an idea. You can design using copy-right free photos, or scan a drawing and edit on the computer

Start by using the template. Go to Fowler-Classroom > Materials and copy the poster template to the desktop.

Evaluate and Critique.
One winner (or more) will be chosen to print professionally. Write an artist statement and do an online critique.

Friday, October 4, 2013

7 Media Arts: Photo Scavenger Hunt

History of Photography Video

  1. Camera Contract-read and sign
  2. Camera Settings
  3. Macro Photos
  4. Practice uploading photos
  5. Worksheet
    1. Link 1
    2. Link 2
  6. Photo Scavenger Hunt
  7. Create iMovie of photos: Examples
    • Upload photos to computer
    • Watch example movie
    • Import photos to iMovie
    • Edit down to best 10-15 photos
    • Add titles, captions and credits

    Tuesday, October 1, 2013

    6th Media Arts: Creature Photographs

    Creature Photographs
    1. Make a monster
    2. We will photograph our monsters in the wild! You must photography your monster in a minimum of 5 different habitats
    3. Make a slideshow

    Here are some links to help inspire you:
    Lots of monsters
    More Monsters

    Monday, September 30, 2013

    Painting and Drawing, Oct. 1

    1. Finish your "expand a picture"
    2. Contour line drawing

    3. Drawing animals using basic shapes
    4. Animal practice
    5. Charcoal value scale

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Sept 27, 8 gold 2. Be a Media Critic

    8th graders, YOU HAVE NEVER DONE THIS PACKET! Don't even try to act like you have. You can work in partners or alone. Use headphones if you have them. This packet must be completed by the end of class, or it's a zero!!!

    Go to Artopia to complete the packet.

    Watch the One Minute Movie

    1. Click on "photography." Choose 1 photograph and write about what you see on your worksheet.
    2. Click on "do more", the "write about it." Write about how 2 different elements or principles of design are used.
    3. Write your opinion of the photo in complete sentences.

    4. Listen to one radio production and write about what you hear
    5. Write about how the producer expresses the message
    6. Write about your opinion of the production

    7. Choose a film and make a list of what you see
    8. Click on "more" under your film clip, the click on "do more," then "write about it." How are two elements or principles used? (use the "word back if you need too)
    9. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

    10. Choose a TV clip and make a list of what you see
    11. Click on "more" under your film clip, the click on "do more," then "write about it." How are two elements or principles used? (use the "word back if you need too)
    12. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

    13. make a list of what you see and hear
    14. How are two elements or principles used? 
    15. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

    Sept. 27, 7gold 3

    1. Finish your "Cartoon Yourself " project.
    2. Open MS Word and write an artist statement to go online with your project. It must be one paragraph- a minimum of 3 sentences.

    • You might want to write about what you learned (vocabulary words, software, tools, etc). You could write about what you think you did well or what you could improve. You could write about why you chose the expression you did, or what background details you chose to include. It is up to you what you want to share in your artist statement with the viewer.

    3. If you finish, download another photo and create a cartoon out of it. You could chose an animal, a celebrity, or some kind of scene. You can download copyright free photos from ( we will talk more about copyright law later).

    Monday, September 23, 2013

    8 Media Arts: Klimt-inspired Portraits

    "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt, 1907
    One of the most reproduced paintings
    1. Watch a slide show of past student work.

    2. Read about Gustav Klimt and answer the questions on your worksheet.

    3. Go to Art Lex and search "Art Nouveau." Read and look through examples. Then use the dictionary to complete the Vocabulary section.

    4. Start your design. Watch the demonstrations and follow the directions on your worksheet.
    Klimt's portrait "Adele Bloch-Bauer I" sold for $135 million, the highest price ever reported on a painting

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    7 Media Arts: Cartoon Yourself

    This project will introduce you to some basic Photoshop tools and using mouse control. We will use Photoshop to trace a digital photo and show an expressive and emotive cartoon face.

    Look at these examples from last year

    We will practice writing an artist statement to go along with your project.

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Media Arts Procedures

  • Read through worksheet
  • Log on to assigned computer
  • Complete the worksheet. You will need this link and the flashcards:

  • Writing Practice: How to be a Critical Viewer

    Go to this link. Choose one cigarette advertisement and answer the questions on the screen. When you are finished, sign up on the board so Ms. Fowler can come and print it. Grab it from the black and white printer, sign your name, and put in the HAND IN WORK basket.

    Try it:

    Try these Media Arts activities: Media Studio

    Saturday, August 31, 2013

    Media Arts Introduction Videos

    Portfolio of Media Arts, Polyester Studios
    Portfolio of Motion Graphics

    One Minute Movie: The History of Media
    Extra time activities: Media Studio
    Elements of Media Arts: Discuss and look at "LMG" by Matt S.

    Painting and Drawing, Intro

    Welcome to painting and drawing.

    Art is not just about having a great piece of work at the end, it is about the process and what you learn and discover along the way.

    For our first exercise, see what you can discover...

    Instant Face Maker from FaceHeads on Vimeo.

    7th Media Arts, Student Stew

    Student Stew
    1.  Answer the questions on the form
    3.  Create a design with your answers

    Planner: Write the definition to “typography

    8th Media Arts, Classmate Collage

    Classmate Collage (What is a collage?)
    1.  Interview a partner
    2.  Use their answers to create a collage
    3.  Introduce them to the class

    Planner: Write the definition to “collage

    6th Media Arts, Coat of Arms

    Student Scavenger Hunt
    1. When Ms. Fowler says go, take your sheet and something to write with around the room. 
    2. Ask everyone questions. Find someone to sign each category
    Introduction "Coat of Arms"
    1. Read about the meaning of a "coat of arms"
    2. How can you show your personality and what is important to you?
    3. Use symbols and colors in each panel
    4. We will use these to introduce a partner to the class.
    Planner: Write the definition to “digital art

    CA Technology Videos

    CA Technology videos


    Haiku deck presentation

    Friday, May 10, 2013

    7th Media Arts: Design a Magazine cover

    1. Research
    Pick one magazine and answer the questions on your worksheet

    you can use your dictionary application

    3. Sketch your own original magazine cover

    4. Start designing in Photoshop