Friday, May 10, 2013

7th Media Arts: Design a Magazine cover

1. Research
Pick one magazine and answer the questions on your worksheet

you can use your dictionary application

3. Sketch your own original magazine cover

4. Start designing in Photoshop

Thursday, May 9, 2013

7th Photo Scavenger Hunt

  1. Camera Contract-read and sign
  2. Camera Settings
  3. Macro Photos
  4. Practice uploading photos
  5. Worksheet
    1. Link 1
    2. Link 2
  6. Photo Scavenger Hunt
  7. Create iMovie of photos: Examples
    • Upload photos to computer
    • Watch example movie
    • Import photos to iMovie
    • Edit down to best 10-15 photos
    • Add titles, captions and credits

    Tuesday, May 7, 2013

    6th Media Arts: Mascot Designs

    Columbia Academy needs a mascot! We will be learning Adobe Illustrator to create mascot designs.

    What is a mascot?
    Use the dictionary to write the definitions to you words on your worksheets.

    Brainstorm. Use these links and brainstorm idea designs on your worksheet:
    Mascot Examples 1
    Mascot Examples 2

    You can start with existing vector graphics from, but you must alter it to make it your own!

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    6th and 7th Media Arts

    Design a cover for next year's planner!
    The winning design will appear on hundreds of student planners!

    8th Media Arts, Soundtrack

    1. Complete the Research and Planning worksheet
    2. Choose a found video to compose music for. It must be 1:30 minutes or longer.