Saturday, August 31, 2013

Media Arts Introduction Videos

Portfolio of Media Arts, Polyester Studios
Portfolio of Motion Graphics

One Minute Movie: The History of Media
Extra time activities: Media Studio
Elements of Media Arts: Discuss and look at "LMG" by Matt S.

Painting and Drawing, Intro

Welcome to painting and drawing.

Art is not just about having a great piece of work at the end, it is about the process and what you learn and discover along the way.

For our first exercise, see what you can discover...

Instant Face Maker from FaceHeads on Vimeo.

7th Media Arts, Student Stew

Student Stew
1.  Answer the questions on the form
3.  Create a design with your answers

Planner: Write the definition to “typography

8th Media Arts, Classmate Collage

Classmate Collage (What is a collage?)
1.  Interview a partner
2.  Use their answers to create a collage
3.  Introduce them to the class

Planner: Write the definition to “collage

6th Media Arts, Coat of Arms

Student Scavenger Hunt
  1. When Ms. Fowler says go, take your sheet and something to write with around the room. 
  2. Ask everyone questions. Find someone to sign each category
Introduction "Coat of Arms"
  1. Read about the meaning of a "coat of arms"
  2. How can you show your personality and what is important to you?
  3. Use symbols and colors in each panel
  4. We will use these to introduce a partner to the class.
Planner: Write the definition to “digital art

CA Technology Videos

CA Technology videos


Haiku deck presentation