Thursday, December 19, 2013

Painting and Drawing: Close Up

We will study "hyper-realism", the work of artist Chuck Close, and create our own close up drawings.

1. Presentation 1:

Student examples

2. Presentation 2: Hyperrealism Examples.
3. Other examples: Photorealism Presentation. Chuck Close presentation
4. Research.
     Go to the Guggenheim website. Pick one work of art and answer the questions on your worksheet.
     Go to ArtsConnectEd: Chuck Close. Answer the questions on your worksheet
5. Videos
Chuck Close: Letter to my Younger Self
Chuck Close and the Grid
- Chuck Close: A Portrait in Progress Trailer
Duane Hanson: Woman Eating

6. Practice drawing using a grid
7. Take a close up picture (your face must fill the frame)
8. Create grid
9. Draw, shade and add detail
10. Artist statement, Critique and present
"Frank" by Chuck Close, at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts
Other PhotoRealism artists

Monday, December 9, 2013

AmE: Arts meets Engineering Conference

Columbia Academy Arts and Engineering classes are holding the 2nd annual Arts meets Engineering conference. This year's theme is "movement".

Proceeds from the conference will go to SACA the local food shelf. Here is a video with Dave from SACA.

Art Making Machines


6th Media ARts: Sketch-Up Sculture

Ms. Fowler and her son with Claes Oldenburg
sculpture at the Walker Art Center


Go to THIS PAGE for sculpture videos and examples. Ms. Fowler will present.

Walker Sculpture Garden
Olympic Sculpture Park

Outdoor Sculptures


Google Sketch-Up tutorial video

Extra Time games:

Architect Studio 3D (might not work)
My Imaginary City

Friday, December 6, 2013

8th Media Arts: Fortune Cookie Posters

We will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and design posters. You will get a fortune cookie, and you must create an interesting, dynamic, eye-catching design. Use what you learn about composition, fonts and typography.

Research and Planning

  1. What is Typography? Presentation
  2. The History of Typography Video
  3. Go to some of the free font websites and download some fonts you may want to try (in addition to the ones on your computer.
  4. Text effects practice. Tutorial video1. Video 2.
  5. Select a random cookie. What you get is what you get!
  6. Sketch your design. It could be a drawing or interesting type or a combination of both.

Look at these websites for some inspiration:

Pintrest Fortune Cookie Poster Ideas

Design. Follow the directions on your worksheet.

Extra time activities
Shape type
Kern type

Thursday, December 5, 2013

7th Media Arts: Stop Motion Animation


1. Watch some stop-motion examples: Stop-motion Animations


1. Draw your storyboard
2. Form groups of 3 or 4.
      Person 1- Director: Oversees the filming and production. Follows the storyboard.
      Person 2- Camera-person: Makes sure each shot is properly lit, in focus and steady.
      Persons 3 (and 4)- Actors: Either act in the movie or control the set/characters/objects.


1. Make your set, characters, lettering, and anything else you need.
2. Create a title sequence
3. Take pictures
4. Edit your photos in iMovie