Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Painting and Drawing: "The Giver" Project

ART + WRITING, based on the movie "The Giver"

Ringling Collage Creative Awards Contest

1. Watch the movie "The Giver"
2. Write 100 words or less, complemented by a supporting illustration.
What theme in THE GIVER relates to you personally, your community, your goals, or other aspects of your life? Students can identify a theme from the movie, movie script, the book, the trailer, or the synopsis of the movie.


Themes are the fundamental and often universal ideas explored in a literary work.
Entry Examples

"The Giver" Art and Illustrations


Monday, December 8, 2014

Painting and Drawing: Observational drawing

Are you more right-side or left-side of the brain?
(this theory has been disproven, has more to do with brain networks, but for fun we will try it)
  1. Warm Up: Picasso line drawing
  2. Presentation on "Observation in Art" take notes
  3. Try contour line drawings
  4. Choose your animal photo from
  5. Left brain/right brain games
6. Practice finding shapes in an animal
7. Practice drawing your animal
8. Create a value scale
9. Draw your animal. Start by lightly drawing shapes. Use all of the values. Cover your paper with detail.

Drawing from Nature: James J. Audubon Movie

Other Observational Artists:

7th Fashion Design

Use the dictionary on your computer to find the definitions to the following words: symmetry, geometric, organic, pattern, ornate, textile, client, mass market.
Try the two activities linked from
  1. Symmetry Activity
  2. Organic and Geometric Shapes
  3. Patterns 
  4. Practice making some patterns
Now lets look at some examples of print and pattern designs. Go to: Print and PatternLook through all of the examples (you can also go through the archives). Pick 3 and describe them. 
Follow the directions on your worksheets to design 3 different patterns and apply them to 3 different items. Have fun!

Create a glogster inspiration board for your fashion designs.

NEXT: Create an original fashion design! Ms. Fowler will give you directions

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

6th Media Arts: Sketch-Up Sculpture

Claes Oldenburg sculpture at the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis MN
1. 2. 3. Go to THIS PAGE for sculpture videos and examples. Ms. Fowler will present.
Sculpture Garden websites:
Walker Sculpture Garden
Olympic Sculpture Park

4. Outdoor Sculptures
CA students at the Walker Sculpture Garden

5. What is scale? Scale (Element of art)

6. Pick descriptive words

Past student examples


Google Sketch-Up tutorial video

Extra Time games:

Architect Studio 3D (might not work)
My Imaginary City

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Painting and Drawing: Zentangle Animals

Research. First research "Folk Art" Use the links below
  1. What is folk art?
  2. Go to the American Folk Art Museum, or the International Folk Art Museum website.  or the Craft and Folk Art Museum. Choose an artist. Answer the questions on the worksheet.
  3. Videos: Emilio Sosa Medina,   Oaxacan weavers,   Tanya Aguiniga   Contemporary folk art of Oaxaca,      Video 1 (extra)
  4. Research folk art from your own culture. Choose one example and sketch it on your worksheet.
  5. What is a zentangle?
  6.  Research Zentangle patterns

MAKE: Create a background.
  • Collage with simple shapes. Hills, trees, streams, etc.
  • Draw in zentangle patterns.
Draw an animal.
  • Start with simple shapes. Draw in pencil. Fill your page.
  • Go over with Sharpie. Erase pencil lines.
  • Fill with zentange patterns.
  • Cut out and place on your background.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Designer research

Create a short presentation on a famous designer.
  1. Choose a designer from this list of 70 designers who changed the world or this list of 30 more designers that changed the world.
  2. Design: Use Google Slides. 1. title slide with the designer's name 2. Background information 3. At least three pictures of their work. 4. At least 4 slides
  3. Copy the "embed" code and email to Ms. Fowler (
You can use the websites from #1 to research and save pictures from, or google the person's name. You have only today to do this project. If you finish early you can help others or go to art links from this website.

Monday, November 3, 2014

6th Media Arts: Legendary Creatures

We will write a story about a made-up Legendary Creature, then use Adobe Photoshop to collage together photos to illustrate our creature. Here are some examples from last year.


1. Vocabulary
Go to and look up the definitions to the vocabulary words.

b. Myths, Legends, Fables and Folklore (answer the questions in your packet)
c. Look at these professional examples:

3. Sketch
Sketch in your packet

4. Write
Follow the directions on your worksheet, and us MSWord to write your legend.

5. Design

Monday, October 27, 2014

Art in Minnesota flag design

Design a flag for the "Youth Art Month" competition. Columbia Academy has had two winners for this statewide competition in the last 5 years. Wow!

  1. Your design must be "U.S. paper" size (8.5 by 11 inches), horizontally.
  2. It must show "minnesota" and "art".
  3. Use Illustrator, Photoshop, an ipad drawing app, or a web-based drawing app. You can also draw on paper

Columbia Academy winner Jackie Anderson
Here are some "Minnesota" and "Art" images

Friday, October 24, 2014

Painting and Drawing: Collage Portraits

Mark Bradford
1. Watch presentation and take notes
Rosemary Karuga

2. Explore these websites:

3. Take a picture of yourself. Save it to the Fowler>Classroom>Paint/Draw folder. Ms. FOwler will print it. Trace onto white paper.

Maurice D.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

6th Digital Arts Halloween Surreal Self Portraits

We will do a quick project, for Halloween, creating "surreal" self-portraits.

Ms. FOlwer will show you some examples: presentation
6th examples

Video: Creating a Surrel Self Portrait
Halloween Psd Tutorials

To keep these school appropriate, no weapons and go easy on blood or gore.

If you need photos, get them here.

Monday, October 20, 2014

7th Digital Arts: Schoolhouse Rock Musical posters

Your class has been hired to design posters for the musical "Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.".

First watch some video clips and look at what other designers have done.


Video Clips

Sketch an idea. You can design using copy-right free photos, or scan a drawing and edit on the computer

Start by using the template. Go to Fowler-Classroom > Materials and copy the poster template to the desktop.

Evaluate and Critique.
One winner (or more) will be chosen to print professionally. They will also get free admission to the show and a prize!
Write an artist statement and do an online critique.


Monday, October 6, 2014

6th Digital Art: Mandalas

We will be using Adobe Illustrator to create "mandalas". This project will use art and math skills, along with reflecting on big questions like "what brings you peace?"
  1. What is a mandala?
  2. Look at some mandalas
  3. Vocabulary words: symmetry, icon, serenity, radial, reflection, concentric
  4. Videos: Time lapse Tibetan monk mandalaSand Mandala video, Digital mandala installation
  5. How to create concentric elements in Adobe Illustrator
Extra time: Kaleidoscope       Color in Motion       Flowers        The color test

Friday, October 3, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

7th Media Arts: Animation and Cartoons, introduction

This animated gif project relates to the animation projects we will try later in the semester. Watch a video on the history of animation:

some good GIFs: OneTwoThreeFourFive
Artist GIFs from old photos: Kevin Weir

We will practice writing an artist statement to go along with your project.

Extra video: The Story of Animation

CARTOON Yourself:

This project will introduce you to some basic Photoshop tools and using mouse control. We will use Photoshop to trace a digital photo and show an expressive and emotive cartoon face.

Try it:
If you have extra time, try-
Flipbook Animate
Zimmer Twins Make a Movie
Art Pad
ABC Animate

6th Digital Art: Typographic Self-Portraits

Typographic" means made of type or letters.
This picture is all letters. Can you figure out
which ones?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Media (Digital) Art Procedures

1. Complete Part 1 of the worksheet

2. Part 2: Vocabulary

3. Saving and Naming Practice

Follow the directions on your worksheet

4. Media Arts Intro Quiz

  2. enter room ca157
  3. click "join room"
  4. wait for Ms. Fowler to begin

5. Writing Practice: How to be a Critical Viewer

Go to this link. Choose one cigarette advertisement and answer the questions on the screen. When you are finished, sign up on the board so Ms. Fowler can check it.

Try it:

Try these Media Arts activities: Media Studio

Monday, September 8, 2014

Painting and Drawing Portfolios

Bren's Name Design
For the project we had to use our name to create designs of things we like. For the “B” in my name, I used my iPod and headphones to form the letter “B”, because I really like listening to music. For the “R”, I used grid paper, a pencil, and a line because my favorite subject is math. For the “E”, i used a paint brush, pencil, a marker, and a colored pencil, because I like drawing and painting.  Lastly, for the “N”, i used a ballet shoe and ribbon, because I enjoy dancing. I like the way my art project turned out. I think it looks 3-D, because i made shadows of the letters with pencil lead.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Design Process in this class

Design Process

Project Introduction
·    What is the project description?
·    Who is the client? Who is the audience?
·    What are the specifications (for example: size, amount of colors, cost, deadlines, etc.)


·    Important vocabulary words
·    Concepts and ideas
·    Similar work and Inspiration


·    Brainstorming
·    Sketch and rough draft


·    Demonstrations by teacher
·    Create using the computer


·    Self evaluations
·    Revisions
·    Evaluate in small groups or as a class


·    Art show
·    Hang in the school
·    Display on class website (, or personal page

Media Arts Overview

Why Art?

What is art video
What is art 2? (Creature comforts)