Wednesday, March 18, 2015

7th Media Arts: Stop Motion Animation


1. Try a practice animation:
2. Watch some stop-motion examples: Stop-motion Animations


Watch How to make a stop-motion
Fill out planning portion

Draw your storyboard STORYBOARD EXAMPLES

Form groups of 3 or 4.
      Person 1- Director: Oversees the filming and production. Follows the storyboard.
      Person 2- Camera-person: Makes sure each shot is properly lit, in focus and steady.
      Persons 3 (and 4)- Actors: Either act in the movie or control the set/characters/objects.


1. Make your set, characters, lettering, and anything else you need.
2. Create a title sequence
3. Take pictures
4. Edit your photos in iMovie

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

8th Media Arts: Double Exposure Portraits

Double Exposure Examples

Follow the demonstration to combine two photos in Photoshop to create a "double exposure"

Student examples

Thursday, March 5, 2015

6th grade: Legendary Creatures

We will write a story about a made-up Legendary Creature, then use Adobe Photoshop to collage together photos to illustrate our creature. Here are some examples from last semester.


1. Vocabulary
Go to and look up the definitions to the vocabulary words.

b. Myths, Legends, Fables and Folklore (answer the questions in your packet)
c. Look at these professional examples:

3. Sketch
Sketch in your packet

4. Write
Follow the directions on your worksheet, and us MSWord to write your legend.

5. Design

Monday, March 2, 2015

6th Media Arts: Sound Project

Use one of the 3 online apps to create a sound project.

Lullatone Raindrop Melody Maker




Once you have tried them all, and found one you like, practice on creating an interesting piece of music. Then use Quicktime Player to record a screencast. (Ms. Fowler will demonstrate).

8th grade: Surrealist Dreamscapes

2. Get Real with Salvador Dali Video. Part 1, and Part 2
3. Automatic Writing and Exquisite Corpse. Examples.
5. Sketch your Dreamscape
    Past student examples here and here
6. Start designing. Collect your photos from or   or pixabay or any of the copyright free image links on the right.
7. Read through the requirements on your worksheet.

Todd Schorr, American Surreal

7th Media Arts: You Are What You Eat

Research and Planning Worksheet
*If you have extra time, try these nutrition games: