Thursday, September 24, 2015

Design Process

Design Process

Project Introduction
·    What is the project description?
·    Who is the client? Who is the audience?
·    What are the specifications (for example: size, amount of colors, cost, deadlines, etc.)


·    Important vocabulary words
·    Concepts and ideas
·    Similar work and Inspiration


·    Brainstorming
·    Sketch and rough draft


·    Demonstrations by teacher
·    Create using the computer


·    Self evaluations
·    Revisions
·    Evaluate in small groups or as a class


·    Art show
·    Hang in the school
·    Display on class website (, or personal page

Media Arts Overview

Computer Procedures

1. Complete Part 1 of the worksheet

2. Part 2: Vocabulary

3. Saving and Naming Practice

Follow the directions on your worksheet

4. Media Arts Intro Quiz

  2. enter room ca157
  3. click "join room"
  4. wait for Ms. Fowler to begin

5. Writing Practice: How to be a Critical Viewer

Go to this link. Choose one cigarette advertisement and answer the questions on the screen. When you are finished, sign up on the board so Ms. Fowler can check it.

Try it:

Try these Media Arts activities: Media Studio

Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment.
Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Strength (video 1 ) video 2 (video 3)
The quality or state of being strong; mental power, force, or vigor; moral power, firmness, or courage;
The fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence; an excellent quality or feature.
A state of cooperative or mutually tolerant relations between people
skill in dealing with or handling something.
A dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem; pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself.

Inspirational Videos for Students
Cross the Line

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Painting and Drawing: In my mind

Create a drawing/collage that expresses your internal self. What do you think about? What worries you? What makes you happy? What do you daydream about?

1. Take a photo of yourself in black and white, thinking
2. Save it to the "Fowler Classroom > Painting and Drawing" folder
3. Carefully cut out your photo and glue to paper
4. Use drawing tools and/or collage to create your artwork

Collage Art Videos:
5 Artists in 5 Minutes
1958 Collage in Art film
Making a collage
Vik Muniz

Beth Hoeckel

Monday, September 14, 2015

8th Media Arts: Monogram designs

Research and Brainstorming:

1. Watch the presentation on logo design.

2. Look at the websites  and watch the videos below: Logo Lounge,    Simple Logo Designs,   Vintage Logos,   Logo Awards,  Logos 99

Videos: Draplin Logo Design
The Art of the Logo Design (PBS)
Change the Way you look at logos (part 1 buzzfeed)
(part 2 buzzed)
Logo Animation
Designing a logo in Ai

3. Look through the printed out logo designs on your tables

4. Fill your page with different monogram designs
and go through the folders with samples for some logo design inspiration

Make your Monogram Calling Cards
Choose your final design. Redraw on final template. Draw carefully in pencil first! Be a perfectionist! Go over your lines with Sharpie. On the back of your card, design your phone number or email or screen name or twitter. Some kind of contact info. Create with collage or by hand.

Video:Textures and Type

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Painting and Drawing: Introduction

Welcome to painting and drawing.

Art is not just about having a great piece of work at the end, it is about the process and what you learn and discover along the way.

What is Art? (Creature Comforts)

What are 8 ways to look at Art?

What is art for? Video
What is Art (Short animated video)

For our first exercise, see what you can discover...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Icebreaker: Collaborative Doodle


  1. Ms. Fowler will group you up.
  2. Draw a doodle for each category. 
  3. Talk with your group about your answers.
  4. Share something about 3 other people in your group.


  1. Draw your name
  2. Draw your favorite food
  3. Draw your favorite animal
  4. Draw something you like to do for fun
  5. Draw a goal you have for the future
  6. Draw someone close to you
  7. Draw where you want to visit someday
  8. Draw a made up creature
  9. Draw 3 words others might use to describe me
  10. Draw something that makes you happy