Monday, November 30, 2015

8th Media Arts: Type Motion Graphic

How can typography (the art of designing letters and words) bring a sentence to life? We will be creating typographic movies of a favorite song lyric.

Research and Planning
Go the the Graphic Design Dictionary and write the definition for some key terms.
font, frame, graphics, layers, opacity, pixel, RGB, typography

History of Animation and Motion Graphics (Off Book PBS)

Pick a song lyric, a line from a movie, a quote or a famous saying. You want people to get it so pick something recognizable, or something emotionally powerful. The more words the longer it will take to make it, so stick with something short.  Try for between 6 and 12 words. If you need some ideas, try 100 Songs Best LinesThinkExistSongLyrics, RollingStoneBestLyrics ,  famous quotes, inspirational quotesfamous lines from movies or search on your own.

All of the Lights

Off Book: Typography

Typographic motion graphics.

1. Sketch a storyboard (plan out what will go on each slide).
2. Download fonts and background graphics. All images must be copyright free!

Follow Ms. Fowler's demonstration.

Online and to the class

Reflect and Critique
You will participate in a class critique and use a critique form to evaluate classmates.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Painting and Drawing: Experimental Drawing

We will use a variety of methods and techniques to explore the process of drawing and experimental drawing.

1. Bulletism Drawing

2. Appropriation Collage

3. Directions Collage

4. Exquisite Corpse

5. Humanimal Collage

6. Collaborative Drawing (with tools)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lion King Posters

1. Research
Video clips

2. Design
Go to Fowler Classroom > Materials and find the "Lion King Template". Copy to your desktop.
You must: -Change the font (stick to 2 or 3 fonts), -Add color (stick to 2-3 main colors), -Add or alter images, use alignment.
You may: Draw your own artwork, Use other copyright free images.

PBS Off Book Graphic Design