Friday, March 18, 2016

6th Media Arts: Legendary Creatures


1. Vocabulary
Go to and look up the definitions to the vocabulary words.

b. Myths, Legends, Fables and Folklore (answer the questions in your packet)
c. Look at these professional examples:

3. Sketch
Sketch in your packet

4. Write
Follow the directions on your worksheet, and us MSWord to write your legend.

5. Design

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fashion Design

This project has two parts. First design textiles or fabrics. Then designing clothing/outfits with your textile designs.

Student Examples:
Fashion Designs
Fabric Designs

Use this dictionary (or the one on your computer) to find the definitions to the following words: symmetry, geometric, organic, pattern, ornate, textile, client, mass market.

Try the two activities linked from
  1. Symmetry Activity
  2. Organic and Geometric Shapes
  3. Patterns 
  4. Practice making some patterns
Now look at some links to textile and pattern designs. Pick 3 and describe them in you packet. 
print and pattern designs
- Google Print 
- Google Pattern
Print and pattern blog

Follow the directions on your worksheets to design 3 different patterns and apply them to 3 different items. Have fun!

Create a polyvore inspiration board for your client. Email a link to Ms. Fowler:

NEXT: Create an original fashion design! Ms. Fowler will give you directions

Sketch your fashion design ideas. Look at some haute couture for inspiration.
Haute Couture "high sewing" Dresses
more Haute Couture

Stop Motion Animation


1. Try a practice animation:
2. Watch some stop-motion examples: Stop-motion Animations


Watch How to make a stop-motion
Fill out planning portion

Draw your storyboard
Form groups of 3 or 4.
      Person 1- Director: Oversees the filming and production. Follows the storyboard.
      Person 2- Camera-person: Makes sure each shot is properly lit, in focus and steady.
      Persons 3 (and 4)- Actors: Either act in the movie or control the set/characters/objects.


1. Make your set, characters, lettering, and anything else you need.
2. Create a title sequence
3. Take pictures
4. Edit your photos in iMovie