Monday, February 27, 2017

7th Media Arts: T shirts with a Message

For this project you will be designing T-shirts with a message. You should address a social issue you feel strongly about and create a design that reflects your feelings. First complete the Research and Planning worksheets. 

Go to and write the definitions to the following words. Make sure you are choosing the definition that relates to the project.

* social issue:social issue is a problem that influences a considerable number of the individuals within a society.

 *communicate * persuade * protest * issue * propaganda


1. Look at these Links as a class:

2. Look through the links on your own. Pick your favorite three designs and answer the questions on your worksheet.

NoGodsNoMasters T-shirts
Spreadshirt Activist Ts
AllRiot T-shirts

3. Now research a social issue that you would like to address. This link may help. Circle one of the subjects on your worksheet, or write in your own

4. Sketch 12 different designs.

5. Create a document to try some different fonts and text effects.
Tutorial video on basics of working with text
How to design a T-shirt in Illustrator (Adobe Tutorial)
Design a T-shirt in Illustrator (video)

6. Download symbols or pictograms here:
Ms. Fowler will give you log in name and password.

Choose one design to create in Adobe Illustrator. Show Ms. Fowler to "okay" before you begin on the computer.
Follow the design directions on your worksheet.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

6th Media Arts: Alphabet 100

Designers need to understand fonts, typography and lettering styles. Brainstorm 100 ways to illustrate the same letter. Choose one design that you will create on the computer.

Alphabet 100

Daily Drop Cap

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Feb 15, 2017

1. Go to:

2. Complete an activity appropriate for your grade and skill level.

3. Screenshot your certificate when you are done: Window key + shift + 4

4. Name it "your last name code" and copy to the hand in work folder.

5. Extra time:
Try Code Combat

Thursday, February 9, 2017

6th Media Arts: Typographic Self-Portraits

  1. Typography is the art of designing with letters or words
  2. Presentation- What are fonts? 
  3. Presentation- Typographic Design
  4. Take a look at last year's student projects
  5. VIDEOS: Movie "Typolution"An Intro to TypographyWhat is Typography? Text/textures
  6. Writing Assignment- Find and download a font that represents you. Write 3 sentences about why you chose it and how it represents you.
  7. Demonstration- creating and starting your project
    Typographic" means made of type or letters.
    This picture is all letters. Can you figure out
    which ones?
  • Work time

7th Media Arts: Introduction to Animation and Cartoons

The Animated History of Animation from MC on Vimeo.
This animated gif project relates to the animation projects we will try later in the semester.

1. Watch a video on the history of animation: The Animated History of Animation
3. Research GIF art and animated gifs
GIF Artists:
Kevin Weir
30 Best animated gif artists
Gif artists to know
Mr. Div

Gif pal examples: OneTwoThreeFourFive
STUDENT examples: Look at these examples from last year

4. Create your own Animated GIF
You can make as many as you like. Be creative and original! Turn in your best gif(s) to the HAND IN WORK folder.

Create an Animated Pixel GIF

Use these websites to make and animate your pixel. Either: Piskelapp or Pixel Art

CARTOON Yourself:

This project will introduce you to some basic Photoshop tools and using mouse control. We will use Photoshop to trace a digital photo and show an expressive and emotive cartoon face.
Try it:
If you have extra time, try-
Flipbook Animate
Zimmer Twins Make a Movie
Art Pad
ABC Animate

Friday, February 3, 2017

Introduction and Procedures



Saving and Naming Practice


Media Arts Intro Quiz

  1. Go to Socrative Student Login
  2. enter room ca157
  3. click "join room"
  4. wait for Ms. Fowler to begin


Examples of Media Arts: Portfolio of Media Arts, Polyester Studios

One Minute Movie: The History of Media
Media Arts in School: Media Arts Academy
Art Institutes Commercial

Look for the Elements of Media Arts, (Image, Sound, Space, Motion, Sequence, Time) in these videos:  Food Rap "What's Cookin",  To This Day

Careers in Media Arts Video Series
The Art Career Project

Media Arts student work examples

Try these Media Arts activities: Media Studio