Monday, April 30, 2018

7th Media Arts: Nature Photography

Gissel I., 6th grade


1. Research Worksheet (green):

History of Photography Video
Taking Pictures, animated short
History of Photography in 5 minutes
A Brief History of the Camera
Nature's Best Photography
The Art of Portrait Photography (Off Book)
Documentary Photography (KQED)

Article: Why do photographs have so much meaning?
Ansel Adams Article.  Photography
  1. Camera Contract-read and sign
  2. Camera Settings
Step 1: Take Photos

Take photos of nature using your Nature Scavenger Hunt checklist. 

Keep in mind the camera settings, focus, and the framing tips we talked about ahead of taking our photos.

Step 2: Create a slideshow in iMovie
Upload your photos to your computer. Edit down to your best 10. Create a slideshow using iMovie. 
Your slideshow should include: 
·      Title
·      Music or sound
·      Credits. 
·      Optional: Effects, transitions and captions

Student Slideshows
iMovie Guide

Step 3: Write an artist statement (slideshow).
Step 4: Critique (slideshow)
Step 5: Design a Nature Quote Poster

Pick a nature quote, saying or poem that is meaningful to you, not too long, and you must include the author. Look at the links on the blog.
Find a quote here: BrainyQuoteBuzzfeed Nature Quote. GoodReads Nature. Make sure you attribute the author!
Use to design

Step 6: Create an Animated Photo GIF

4. Design and create an Animated GIF in Photoshop

Painting and Drawing: Draw a Map of a Fantasy Island

WHO HASN’T OCCASIONALLY DAYDREAMED OF leaving it all behind and running away to your own very special island?
If you could make an island to your exact specifications, what would it look like? What would make it unique—the true island of your individual dreams?
Maybe your island is made entirely of recycled bottles, or only accepts currency featuring Darth Vader. Perhaps your island is set up as a villains’ lair, or populated with magical creatures that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. Is your island an expansive paradise that will take years to explore, or a simple spot of sand surrounded by boundless ocean? Does it have a treehouse? A mansion? Is there a skull-shaped cave? A water park? A hidden base in a volcano? Mischievous monkeys? Pirate ghosts? A lost society of evolved super-beings?
Create an illustration of your perfect dream island, using the paper, pencil, and watercolor pencils provided. Upload to Seesaw and caption with a 4-5 sentence description of what makes your island special.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

6th Media Arts: Legendary Creatures


Go to and look up the definitions to the vocabulary words.
3. Myths, Legends, Fables and Folklore (answer the questions in your packet)
4. Look at these professional examples:

Painting and Drawing: Process-based and Experimental Drawing

We will use a variety of methods and techniques to explore the process of drawing and experimental drawing.
"Play" in Art presentation

Kevin Champing on "Making Art" Series
Art 21: Arturo Herrera 

Pinterest video links-Fowler

1. Bulletism Drawing
Demo Video

2. Appropriation Collage
3. Directions Collage
4. Exquisite Corpse
5. Humanimal Collage
6. Collaborative Drawing (with tools)

Experimental Drawing Exercises

Oil Pastel Blending
Other Oil Pastel Videos
Collage Art by Adam Hale

Thursday, April 12, 2018

7th Media Arts: Green Screen Landscape

We will digitally create a landscape in Photoshop. Then record you walking, floating or dancing in front of a green screen. We will impose the green screen footage over you illustration using iMovie.

Complete the research worksheet

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Sculpture: Wearable Sculpture, Ceremonial Dress

For this project we will look at wearable sculpture art and ceremonial dress and regalia. Then create our own wearable art works in small groups. We will present designs as a fashion show and videos.

Vocabulary: regalia, ceremonial, embellishment,
Pinterest Examples

Nick Cave
Nick Cave Art 21

Phyllis Galembo

Native American Dance and Regalia MN Original
Ivory Coast Mask Dance
Tibetian Snow Lion Dance

6 year old fashion designer
Fowler Museum

STEPS: Research, Plan and Sketch, Construct base, Add embellishment and decoration, Video movement of full costume on green screen, Fashion show!