Friday, January 13, 2012

DVD Cover Designs

Directions for DVD Portfolios
It is nearing the end of the semester, and time for you to create a portfolio so you can take your work with you. Portfolio means a collection of creative work.
Ms. Fowler will burn a DVD of everything that is in your folder (with your last name), in your class folder. Make sure all of your projects are copied there!

Design a Cover for your DVD

You can choose to use either Photoshop or Illustrator. You can design everything on the computer, or scan a drawing in first.
1.     Sketch your design on paper
2.     Create a new file that is 5 inches wide by 4.75 inches tall. If you are working in Photoshop, make the resolution 300 dpi.
a.     You must include:
·       Your full name
·       Your grade
·       "Portfolio"
3. Your design should show your personality. You could include pictures of your artwork. Try different fonts and if you use images from the internet, they must be copyright free (try
4. Hand in your design to the "HAND IN FINAL WORK HERE" folder. Ms. Fowler will print your design in color for your DVD case.