Monday, October 29, 2012

7th Media Arts: Comic Con, Superheros

We will work on a packaging design project for our Arts and Engineering Comic Con (or Comic Convention).

1. Research
     First, let's talk about what a comic convention is like. Video. Experience Comic Con.

You will design superhero characters (like a superhero) and create a packages for candy, suckers, and stickers. We will sell these at our booths (for Columbia Academy cash, or real $).

2. Brainstorm
    Begin by brainstorming some character designs. You can use the internet for inspiration. Draw12 different characters on your paper.
cute superhero
superhero character

3. Design
    We will do some practice in Adobe Illustrator. Follow Ms. Fowler's directions step-by-step to create a practice project. Then, use what you have learned to make TWO of your own designs on the computer.

4. Packaging design
After you hand your designs in, Ms. Fowler will print your characters on stickers to add to candy packages. We will sell these at our Comic Con.

Turn one of your finished designs into a book cover, a T-shirt, or both. A book cover must include a title and an author. You can find the T-shirt template in Fowler-Classroom>Materials.