Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wall Wisher Assignment


1. First. you will need to be logged on to your Google account.
          - Go to
          - Use the same log in as your computer log in
2. Then go to
3. Click on "Build A Wall"
4. Title it with your name
5. Add your question in the description. Make your question something creative. For example: "If you discovered a planet, what would you name it?" or "If you could travel to any city in the world, where would you go?" or "If you had to eat one thing everyday, what would it be?"
6. Click on "wallpaper" and choose a background
7. Click on privacy and change the settings to "anyone", if you need too.
8.  Click on "address" and select and copy the address
9. Now go to
10. Find the post that says "wall wishers assignment" (first one)
11. Go to the bottom and "add a comment"
12. Paste your wall's address
13. Ask at least 10 people to visit your wall and answer your question