Sunday, January 20, 2013

7th Media Arts: Digital Citizenship

Cyberbullying and Digital Citizenship

2. Go to MTV's A Thin Line and answer the questions on your worksheets
3. Watch "Lets Fight it Together." Answer the questions on your worksheet.
4. Look at this example "friendbook" profile and answer the questions on your worksheet.
5. Take the Cyberbullying Quiz
6. Explore some of the resources below

Links to Resources:
NSTeens (Great videos on digital citizenship issues and "real stories")
Digizen (UK)
THINKUKNOW (divided by age)

Watch movie: "Cyberbullied"

8th Media Art: Be a Media Critic

Go to Artopia to complete the packet.

Watch the One Minute Movie

1. Click on "photography." Choose 1 photograph and write about what you see on your worksheet.
2. Click on "do more", the "write about it." Write about how 2 different elements or principles of design are used.
3. Write your opinion of the photo in complete sentences.

4. Listen to one radio production and write about what you hear
5. Write about how the producer expresses the message
6. Write about your opinion of the production

7. Choose a film and make a list of what you see
8. Click on "more" under your film clip, the click on "do more," then "write about it." How are two elements or principles used? (use the "word back if you need too)
9. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

10. Choose a TV clip and make a list of what you see
11. Click on "more" under your film clip, the click on "do more," then "write about it." How are two elements or principles used? (use the "word back if you need too)
12. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

13. make a list of what you see and hear
14. How are two elements or principles used? 
15. What is your opinion and how did it make you feel?

6th Super School Lunch

Dream Lunch!
  1. Click on the lunch tray picture, then when the large version loads, right click and save to your desktop
  2. Open it in Photoshop
  3. Find pictures of your favorite foods. Go to for copyright-free photos. If you need something specific you can use Google (for this project only!) Click on "large" size so your pictures aren't blurry)
  4. Open your pictures in Photoshop and Cut and paste your foods on to your lunch tray. Your teacher will demonstrate.
  5. You must include a minimum of 5 foods and a beverage, but you can load up your tray! You could also try something on a theme (like, what if you went through the lunch line and you got a tray full of money, gold and diamonds? Or really gross stuff?)
  6. Save to the "HAND IN WORK" folder as "YourLastName Lunch.psd"
  7. Have fun!
Extra Credit: Design a Healthy Lunch. Include a food from each category: Dairy, Grains or starches, Meat or beans, Vegetables, Fruits.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

6th Media Arts: Architecture Creative Writing Assignment

Open Microsoft Word and copy and paste this picture:

Write at least 3 paragraphs about this Google Sketch-Up model of a house. You can write whatever you want. You could write:

  • describing the client or who lives there (how many people live there? their ages? their jobs? their hobbies?)
  • where the house is (is it urban, suburban or rural? what city? state? country?)
  • what is included in the design (what rooms? what landscaping? what extra things or amenities?)
  • who designed it? how did they design it? how much did it cost to build?)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

7th Media Art: Pattern Design


Try the two activities linked from
  1. Symmetry Activity
  2. Organic and Geometric Shapes
  3. Patterns 
  4. Practice making some patterns
Now lets look at some examples of print and pattern designs. Go to: Print and Pattern. Look through all of the examples (you can also go through the archives). Pick 3 and describe them. 
Follow the directions on your worksheets to design 3 different patterns and apply them to 3 different items. Have fun!

NEXT: Create an original fashion design! Ms. Fowler will give you directions