Sunday, January 20, 2013

6th Super School Lunch

Dream Lunch!
  1. Click on the lunch tray picture, then when the large version loads, right click and save to your desktop
  2. Open it in Photoshop
  3. Find pictures of your favorite foods. Go to for copyright-free photos. If you need something specific you can use Google (for this project only!) Click on "large" size so your pictures aren't blurry)
  4. Open your pictures in Photoshop and Cut and paste your foods on to your lunch tray. Your teacher will demonstrate.
  5. You must include a minimum of 5 foods and a beverage, but you can load up your tray! You could also try something on a theme (like, what if you went through the lunch line and you got a tray full of money, gold and diamonds? Or really gross stuff?)
  6. Save to the "HAND IN WORK" folder as "YourLastName Lunch.psd"
  7. Have fun!
Extra Credit: Design a Healthy Lunch. Include a food from each category: Dairy, Grains or starches, Meat or beans, Vegetables, Fruits.