Tuesday, February 11, 2014

7th Digital Art: Dream Destination Prezi

  1. Vocabulary
  2. Go to Google Maps and look through this list of major cities of the world. Pick a city from a foreign country.
  3. Log into prezi.com to get started. Use your SCHOOL GOOGLE EMAIL: Your name + apps.isd13.org, and your password should be your school ID number.
  4. Add a title, photo and introduction paragraph
  5. Use Google image search and save a map of your country, showing your city
  6. Look up the weather for your chosen city. Try weatherspark.com. Google your city and "average weather" or try World Climate
  7. Research arts and culture questions
  8. Look up major attractions in your city
  9. Go to KAYAK for flight and hotel information
  10. Student example

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