Monday, March 24, 2014

8th Digital Arts: Food Packaging Design

Packaging Video

1. Use the dictionary application to look up the following words: brand, slogan, UPC, FDA, consumer.

3. Decide on your customer or consumer.

5. Package Design Examples and Inspiration
  1. Packaging of the World
  2. Inspiration Feed
  3. Great Packagin Design
  4. Lovely Package
  5. Google Image Search, Best packaging
6. Brainstorm/Plan/Sketch
7. Follow the directions on your worksheet. 8. You must include a Brand name, Description or  Slogan, Ingredients, Nutritional information, Barcode. You may include a picture of the product or illustrations.
9. Design using Adobe Illustrator. Demonstration

Designing in Illustrator

Go Here for Ingredients

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