Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Folk art and Zentangles

Research. First research "Folk Art" Use the links below
  1. What is folk art?
  2. Go to the American Folk Art Museum, or the International Folk Art Museum website.  or the Craft and Folk Art Museum. Choose an artist. Answer the questions on the worksheet.
  3. Videos: Emilio Sosa Medina,   Oaxacan weavers,   Tanya Aguiniga   Contemporary folk art of Oaxaca,      Video 1 (extra)
  4. Research folk art from your own culture. Choose one example and sketch it on your worksheet.
  5. What is a zentangle?
  6.  Research Zentangle patterns

MAKE: Create a background.
  • Collage with simple shapes. Hills, trees, streams, etc.
  • Draw in zentangle patterns.
Draw an animal.
  • Start with simple shapes. Draw in pencil. Fill your page.
  • Go over with Sharpie. Erase pencil lines.
  • Fill with zentange patterns.
  • Cut out and place on your background.

Monday, November 30, 2015

8th Media Arts: Type Motion Graphic

How can typography (the art of designing letters and words) bring a sentence to life? We will be creating typographic movies of a favorite song lyric.

Research and Planning
Go the the Graphic Design Dictionary and write the definition for some key terms.
font, frame, graphics, layers, opacity, pixel, RGB, typography

History of Animation and Motion Graphics (Off Book PBS)

Pick a song lyric, a line from a movie, a quote or a famous saying. You want people to get it so pick something recognizable, or something emotionally powerful. The more words the longer it will take to make it, so stick with something short.  Try for between 6 and 12 words. If you need some ideas, try 100 Songs Best LinesThinkExistSongLyrics, RollingStoneBestLyrics ,  famous quotes, inspirational quotesfamous lines from movies or search on your own.

All of the Lights

Off Book: Typography

Typographic motion graphics.

1. Sketch a storyboard (plan out what will go on each slide).
2. Download fonts and background graphics. All images must be copyright free!

Follow Ms. Fowler's demonstration.

Online and to the class

Reflect and Critique
You will participate in a class critique and use a critique form to evaluate classmates.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Painting and Drawing: Experimental Drawing

We will use a variety of methods and techniques to explore the process of drawing and experimental drawing.

1. Bulletism Drawing

2. Appropriation Collage

3. Directions Collage

4. Exquisite Corpse

5. Humanimal Collage

6. Collaborative Drawing (with tools)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Lion King Posters

1. Research
Video clips

2. Design
Go to Fowler Classroom > Materials and find the "Lion King Template". Copy to your desktop.
You must: -Change the font (stick to 2 or 3 fonts), -Add color (stick to 2-3 main colors), -Add or alter images, use alignment.
You may: Draw your own artwork, Use other copyright free images.

PBS Off Book Graphic Design

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Painting and Drawing: Assemblage

  1. Work with a partner from your table.
  2. Use the found materials from nature or recycled objects to create a character.
  3. It does not have to be glued.
  4. Ms. Fowler will photograph it when you are done, then
  5. Make another!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

8th Media Arts: Klimt-inspired Portraits

1. Research: Artful Writing Activity: "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt
 audio for "Perceive: artful writing"

2. Read about Gustav Klimt and answer the questions on your worksheet.
4. Start your design. Watch the demonstrations and follow the directions on your worksheet. Video: How to use patterns in Photoshop

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Design Process

Design Process

Project Introduction
·    What is the project description?
·    Who is the client? Who is the audience?
·    What are the specifications (for example: size, amount of colors, cost, deadlines, etc.)


·    Important vocabulary words
·    Concepts and ideas
·    Similar work and Inspiration


·    Brainstorming
·    Sketch and rough draft


·    Demonstrations by teacher
·    Create using the computer


·    Self evaluations
·    Revisions
·    Evaluate in small groups or as a class


·    Art show
·    Hang in the school
·    Display on class website (, or personal page

Media Arts Overview

Computer Procedures

1. Complete Part 1 of the worksheet

2. Part 2: Vocabulary

3. Saving and Naming Practice

Follow the directions on your worksheet

4. Media Arts Intro Quiz

  2. enter room ca157
  3. click "join room"
  4. wait for Ms. Fowler to begin

5. Writing Practice: How to be a Critical Viewer

Go to this link. Choose one cigarette advertisement and answer the questions on the screen. When you are finished, sign up on the board so Ms. Fowler can check it.

Try it:

Try these Media Arts activities: Media Studio

Tuesday, September 22, 2015



Esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability proper acceptance or courtesy; acknowledgment.
Adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty.
Strength (video 1 ) video 2 (video 3)
The quality or state of being strong; mental power, force, or vigor; moral power, firmness, or courage;
The fact or state of excelling; superiority; eminence; an excellent quality or feature.
A state of cooperative or mutually tolerant relations between people
skill in dealing with or handling something.
A dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem; pleasure or satisfaction taken in something done by or belonging to oneself.

Inspirational Videos for Students
Cross the Line

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Painting and Drawing: In my mind

Create a drawing/collage that expresses your internal self. What do you think about? What worries you? What makes you happy? What do you daydream about?

1. Take a photo of yourself in black and white, thinking
2. Save it to the "Fowler Classroom > Painting and Drawing" folder
3. Carefully cut out your photo and glue to paper
4. Use drawing tools and/or collage to create your artwork

Collage Art Videos:
5 Artists in 5 Minutes
1958 Collage in Art film
Making a collage
Vik Muniz

Beth Hoeckel

Monday, September 14, 2015

8th Media Arts: Monogram designs

Research and Brainstorming:

1. Watch the presentation on logo design.

2. Look at the websites  and watch the videos below: Logo Lounge,    Simple Logo Designs,   Vintage Logos,   Logo Awards,  Logos 99

Videos: Draplin Logo Design
The Art of the Logo Design (PBS)
Change the Way you look at logos (part 1 buzzfeed)
(part 2 buzzed)
Logo Animation
Designing a logo in Ai

3. Look through the printed out logo designs on your tables

4. Fill your page with different monogram designs
and go through the folders with samples for some logo design inspiration

Make your Monogram Calling Cards
Choose your final design. Redraw on final template. Draw carefully in pencil first! Be a perfectionist! Go over your lines with Sharpie. On the back of your card, design your phone number or email or screen name or twitter. Some kind of contact info. Create with collage or by hand.

Video:Textures and Type

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Painting and Drawing: Introduction

Welcome to painting and drawing.

Art is not just about having a great piece of work at the end, it is about the process and what you learn and discover along the way.

What is Art? (Creature Comforts)

What are 8 ways to look at Art?

What is art for? Video
What is Art (Short animated video)

For our first exercise, see what you can discover...

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Icebreaker: Collaborative Doodle


  1. Ms. Fowler will group you up.
  2. Draw a doodle for each category. 
  3. Talk with your group about your answers.
  4. Share something about 3 other people in your group.


  1. Draw your name
  2. Draw your favorite food
  3. Draw your favorite animal
  4. Draw something you like to do for fun
  5. Draw a goal you have for the future
  6. Draw someone close to you
  7. Draw where you want to visit someday
  8. Draw a made up creature
  9. Draw 3 words others might use to describe me
  10. Draw something that makes you happy

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

8th Media Arts: Class Cookbook

1. Choose a recipe that is a favorite or meaningful to you. You could use one from your family/heritage/culture. Google search your recipe or get it from a family member.

2. Copy the ingredients and directions to a page in Adobe Illustrator (8.5 by 11")

3. Design a background and illustrations. You can use for symbols, Vecteezy, or go to Fowler Classroom > Materials > Food Vector Art, or draw your own!

4. Your page should have a title, ingredients, directions, and illustrations

5. Save as "YourLastName Cookbook" to the Hand in Work folder.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Prezi Portfolio

  1. Go to
  2. Create an account using your school email. (username +
  3. Title your Prezi "Your Full Name Portfolio"
  4. use to find your projects and save a jpeg or copy a link
  5. Place all of your projects and artist statements into your Prezi
  6. Add a path and design elements
  7. Share the link with Ms. Fowler

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

MIA Field Trip

Videos (prior to visit)

  1. We will bring cameras to document our trip to the Minneapolis Institute of Art
  2. Think about what you have learned about photography to take some interesting photos while we are there: experiment with camera angles, distance, focus and depth of field. 
  3. Find one work from the permanent collection to photograph and use as inspiration for an artwork that you will create digitally. Take photos of the whole thing, and some details.
  4. Create a work of art using Illustrator that is inspired by the work. Maybe it has the same colors, or similar design elements, or the same subject. It shouldn't be a copy of the work, but just take some things from it and use them in a new way.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

8th Media Arts: Fortune Cookie Design

We will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and design posters. You will get a fortune cookie, and you must create an interesting, dynamic, eye-catching design. Use what you learn about composition, fonts and typography.

Research and Planning

  1. What is Typography? Presentation
  2. The History of Typography Video
  3. Go to some of the free font websites and download some fonts you may want to try (in addition to the ones on your computer.
  4. Text effects practice. Tutorial video1. Hand in you practice page. Letter drawing practice. Hand in.


  1. Select a random cookie. What you get is what you get!
  2. Sketch your design. It could be a drawing or interesting type or a combination of both.

Follow the directions on your worksheet.

Extra time activities
Shape type
Kern type

Nature Photography and Quote Design

The Project: Combine a quotation with an original photo


Step 1: Take a nature photo


Types of shots

Using camera angles to take better photos
The science of camera angles

Step 2: Chose a nature quote

Find quote here: Brainy QuoteGoodReadsQuoteGarden
Make sure you attribute the author

Step 3: Design in Photoshop

  1. Download a font or fonts
  2. Directions: Ms. Fowler will demonstrate

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

6th Media Arts: Sketch-Up Sculpture

1. 2. 3. Go to THIS PAGE for sculpture videos and examples. Ms. Fowler will present.
Sculpture Garden websites:
Walker Sculpture Garden
Olympic Sculpture Park

4. Outdoor Sculptures
CA students at the Walker Sculpture Garden

5. What is scale? Scale (Element of art)

6. Pick descriptive words

Past student examples


Google Sketch-Up tutorial video
Sculpture in Sketch Up

Extra Time games:

Architect Studio 3D (might not work)
My Imaginary City

Monday, April 13, 2015

7th grade: Fashion Design

Use this dictionary (or the one on your computer) to find the definitions to the following words: symmetry, geometric, organic, pattern, ornate, textile, client, mass market.
Try the two activities linked from
  1. Symmetry Activity
  2. Organic and Geometric Shapes
  3. Patterns 
  4. Practice making some patterns
Now lets look at some examples of print and pattern designs. Go to: Print and PatternLook through all of the examples (you can also go through the archives). Pick 3 and describe them. 
Follow the directions on your worksheets to design 3 different patterns and apply them to 3 different items. Have fun!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

8th grade: Artistic Selfie Collage

1. Complete the photography worksheets using the link below and the flashcards: 

2. Check out cameras. Follow Ms. Fowler's directions on setting up your camera.

3. Take 20 to 30 pictures that show who you are. Try close-ups, blurry or out of focus shots, different expressions, different angles, poses, disguises, objects, etc. 

4. Import pictures to your computer.

5. Create a collage designs of your photos using Photoshop. You can cut your pictures up, add words, repeat things, change the color, use filters, adjust the transparency, etc. The size should be "U.S. Paper" or 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. 300ppi.

Ideas? Here is some inspiration. (Page blocked for students, Ms. Fowler will show).

6. Save your collage to the HAND IN FINAL WORK folder as "YourLastNameCollage".

Extra Time: PicMonkey                  Pixlromatic

Videos: History of Photography VideoPBS Portrait Photography,  Alec Soth

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

6th Media Arts: Mandala Designs

We will be using Adobe Illustrator to create "mandalas". This project will use art and math skills, along with reflecting on big questions like "what brings you peace?"
  1. What is a mandala?
  2. Look at some mandalas
  3. Vocabulary words: symmetry, icon, serenity, radial, reflection, concentric
  4. Videos: Time lapse Tibetan monk mandalaSand Mandala videoDigital mandala installation
  5. Download Symbols.  
    1. Go to 
    2. Use the email address
    3. use the password: chps157
    4. download the "svg" file
  6. How to create concentric elements in Adobe Illustrator
Extra time: Kaleidoscope       Color in Motion       Flowers        The color test