Wednesday, January 28, 2015

6th Grade Type practice: Alphabet 100

Designers need to understand fonts, typography and lettering styles. Brainstorm 100 ways to illustrate the same letter. Choose one design that you will create on the computer.

Alphabet 100

8th Media Arts: Monogram Logo Calling Cards

Research and Brainstorming:

1. Look at the websites below, and the folders with samples for some logo design inspiration:
Logo Lounge
 Simple Logo Designs
Vintage Logos
Logo Awards
Common Mistakes in Logo Designs
Best Logos? (VIDEO)

2. Fill your page with different monogram designs

Make your Monogram Calling Cards
Choose your final design. Redraw on final template. Draw carefully in pencil first! Be a perfectionist! Go over your lines with Sharpie. On the back of your card, design your phone number or email or screen name or twitter. Some kind of contact info. Create with collage or by hand.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

6th Icebreaker: Collaborative Doodle


  1. Ms. Fowler will group you up.
  2. Draw a doodle for each category. 
  3. Talk with your group about your answers.
  4. Share something about 3 other people in your group.


  1. Draw your name
  2. Draw your favorite food
  3. Draw your favorite animal
  4. Draw something you like to do for fun
  5. Draw a goal you have for the future
  6. Draw someone close to you
  7. Draw where you want to visit someday
  8. Draw a made up creature
  9. Draw 3 words others might use to describe me
  10. Draw something that makes you happy

8th Icebreaker: Marshmallow Challenge

Ms. Fowler will give you a group
            20 sticks of spaghetti (uncooked!)
            one yard of mask­ing tape (stick down on edge of desk)
            one yard of string
            one pair scissors
            5 marshmallows
  1. You have 20 min­utes to use the mate­ri­als to try to build the tallest free­stand­ing struc­ture.  
  2. (“Free­stand­ing” means it can­not be taped down, and you can’t be hold­ing it when the time runs out- it must be able to stand on its own.)  
  3. When the time is up, we will mea­sure the struc­tures that are stand­ing and announce the win­ner.   

Please share:
  1. Your names
  2. What did you learn?
  3. What was the most chal­leng­ing thing about this and why?  

7th Icebreaker: Group Drawing by Instruction

One person will be the artist for the group.

3 other people will take turns directing.

Look at the hidden, example artwork. Give the artist instructions on one part at a time, using only descriptive words. You cannot touch or point to the paper. For example: "Cut a square out of the orange paper that is about 1 inch by 1 inch. Glue it in the middle of the paper, about a third from the top."

This activity helps you work together collaboratively, helps critical-thinking skills and helps you to communicate with only visual words.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

7th Media Arts: Typography drawing

Create a "Typographic Collage"
1. Think of a word that is meaningful to you
2. Trace different fonts and letter styles into a composition. Use care and craftsmanship.

Graphic Design Off the computer
Typography composition

PBS Off Book Typography
The History of Typography

Thursday, January 15, 2015

End of the Semester

Interactive White Board Drawing:

  • work with a small group
  • combine a real person and a drawing on the board
  • take a photo
American Mutant Apparel:

  • use the provided model photo
  • draw mutant heads
  • be creative, use a variety
  • add names

Choose one of the following to complete

  1. Design a crazy hairstyle
    1. Research. Google Crazy Hairstyle
    2. Go to "Fowler Classroom > Materials to find the template
    3. Draw/design in photoshop
    4. Save to HAND in work folder
  2. Design a flower arrangement
    1. Research. Google Flower arrangement
    2. Go to "Fowler Classroom > Materials to find the template
    3. Draw/design in photoshop
    4. Save to HAND in work folder

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Yearbook 1/06

1. Create a digital ad. Include online sales link, cost, contact, date.

2. Create a sales movie using iMovie and trailers

3. Choose template for design. Gallery.

JOSTENS videos