Thursday, January 22, 2015

8th Icebreaker: Marshmallow Challenge

Ms. Fowler will give you a group
            20 sticks of spaghetti (uncooked!)
            one yard of mask­ing tape (stick down on edge of desk)
            one yard of string
            one pair scissors
            5 marshmallows
  1. You have 20 min­utes to use the mate­ri­als to try to build the tallest free­stand­ing struc­ture.  
  2. (“Free­stand­ing” means it can­not be taped down, and you can’t be hold­ing it when the time runs out- it must be able to stand on its own.)  
  3. When the time is up, we will mea­sure the struc­tures that are stand­ing and announce the win­ner.   

Please share:
  1. Your names
  2. What did you learn?
  3. What was the most chal­leng­ing thing about this and why?  

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