Friday, April 15, 2016

Dream Destination Prezi Presentation

Vocabulary (use dictionary application)


1. Location
2. Introduction
  • Use google to look up your city's history, size, characteristics, etc.  

3. Climate
  • Look up the weather for your chosen city. Google your city and "average weather" or try World Climate. Save a chart or graph showing average temperatures (in Fahrenheit), precipitation, etc.
  • When is a good time to visit?
4. Crops, Economy, Exports
  • What are the major business or companies? 
  • What are major crops or exports?
5. Arts and culture (
6. Tourist Attractions
7. Travel
  • Find the average flight cost. Go to KAYAK
  • Find an average hotel cost
8. Gallery

Use to design your presentation. Use your SCHOOL GOOGLE EMAIL: Your name +, and your password should be chps+ your school ID number.

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