Wednesday, May 25, 2016

6th Grade Letter Illustration

Designers need to understand fonts, typography and lettering styles. Brainstorm 100 ways to illustrate the same letter. Choose one design that you will create on the computer.

Alphabet 100

Daily Drop Cap

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Photoshop Drawing


Photoshop Drawing:

Create a photoshop illustration of a flower arrangement or a CRAZY hairstyle.


1. Research and think of an idea. Use the links:
Google Crazy Hairstyle
Google Flower arrangement

2. Right- Click on one of the images below to open it in a new tab.
3. Drag it to your desktop
4. Drag it on to the Ps (Photoshop) icon
5. Use either the drawing, paintbrush and paint bucket tools to create. or cut and paste parts of copyright-free photos.  Fill your page! There should be little to no empty/white space.
6. Save and turn into the Design flowers/hairstyle folder.
7. You can create a second for extra credit but it must be well made.

Student Survey

Monday, May 16, 2016

7th Media Arts: Franconia Field Trip

Photo assignment: Take some interesting photos at Franconia. Make sure you try different camera angles, try photos of just sculptures, and photos of people. 

Take a look at the Goldsworthy images, as well as some other land-art installations. Pick 3 to describe. How are they made? What is interesting about them? How were they made? What is the scale (how big)? Etc. Use at least 3 complete sentences.


Tate Gallery: Land Art. Answer the questions on the worksheet

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

6th Media Arts: Monster Sightings


Complete Photography Worksheet
1. 10 Tips for Taking Good Photos
2. 10 Techniques for better Photos


  1. Brainstorm monsters. Here are some links to help inspire you:   Lots of monsters.    More Monsters
  2. Make a monster
  3. Photograph monsters in the wild! You must photograph your monster in a minimum of 5 different scenes.
  4. Upload and edit your photos. Use to add filters and effects quickly.
  5. Make a slideshow using iMovie. Add captions and music.

Extra Time:

Monday, May 2, 2016

7th Media Arts: Fortune Cookie Typography Poster

We will learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and design posters. You will get a fortune cookie, and you must create an interesting, dynamic, eye-catching design. Use what you learn about composition, fonts and typography.

Research and Planning

  1. What is Typography? Presentation
  2. The History of Typography Video
  3. Go to some of the free font websites and download some fonts you may want to try (in addition to the ones on your computer.
  4. Text effects practice. Tutorial video1. Hand in you practice page. Letter drawing practice. Hand in.


  1. Select a random cookie. What you get is what you get!
  2. Sketch your design. It could be a drawing or interesting type or a combination of both.

Follow the directions on your worksheet.

Extra time activities
Shape type
Kern type