Monday, October 30, 2017

8th Media Arts: Into the Woods

8th graders have been hired to design "Into the Woods" T-shirts and Posters.
Chosen designs will be featured as the actual T-shirts and Posters for this year's CA musical.
video clips

From Ms. Lorence--
I’d like to stay away from a white or black t-shirt as that is what we have had in the past.

My overall vision for the production is dark woods for a background with bright colored costumes and a storybook feel (see attached images). Some main themes and or objects we see throughout the play are:

-          The dark woods
-          Cow as white as milk
-          Cape as red as blood
-          Slipper as pure as gold
-          Hair as yellow as corn
-          The phrase “I wish…” 
Hope this gives you a good start! Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks! Ms. Lorence

1. Research and sketch ideas

Research "Into the Woods" Poster designs

2. Design

We will use Adobe Illustrator to create your designs. Follow the steps in your packet.

- Symbols at Log in using school Google.
- Background image: pexels   or   pixabay
- Add filters and effects to photos on pixlr.com
- Fonts at  or   behance.    or.  

T-shirt printer

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

6 Media Arts: You Are What You Eat!

Research and Planning Worksheet
*If you have extra time, try these nutrition games:
Art with Mati and Dada: Archimboldo
Garbage Selfies KQED

Extra Credit: create a "Super Crazy School Lunch"

Choose a theme for your lunch tray (for example: gross lunch, bear lunch, treasure lunch, zombie lunch, dream lunch, alien lunch, shark lunch, etc.).

7th Media Arts: Animation and Cartoon

The Animated History of Animation from MC on Vimeo.
This animated gif project relates to the animation projects we will try later in the semester.

1. Watch a video on the history of animation: The Animated History of Animation
3. Research GIF art and animated gifs
GIF Artists:
Kevin Weir
30 Best animated gif artists
Gif artists to know
Mr. Div
Stereoscopic GIFs

Gif pal examples: OneTwoThreeFourFive
STUDENT examples: Look at these examples from last year

4. Create your own Animated GIF
You can make as many as you like. Be creative and original! Turn in your best gif(s) to the HAND IN WORK folder.

Create an Animated Pixel GIF

1. Draw your pixel art
2. Draw how it will move (animate)
Here is a link to PIXEL Art Ideas
3. Use this websites to make and animate your pixel. Piskelapp
4. Download and turn in to Fowler Classroom
5. Upload to Seesaw as a mp4 file

CARTOON Yourself:

This project will introduce you to some basic Photoshop tools and using mouse control. We will use Photoshop to trace a digital photo and show an expressive and emotive cartoon face.
Try it:
If you have extra time, try-
Flipbook Animate
Zimmer Twins Make a Movie
Art Pad
ABC Animate

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

8th Media Arts: GarageBand Sound Design


1. What is a foley artist?
2. Foley artist CBS News
3. Vimeo, Portrait of a Sound Design artist. Youtube
4. Music Technology
Extra:Audio Engineer and Producer: Chris Monsanto


1. Vocabulary
           public domain
2. Pick a famous music producer. Write a few sentences about them.
3. Read Jay Z article and answer questions.

Making your soundtrack- videos:
Air Music Video
Bon Iver, Hinnom, TX
Garageband Sample Track
Student Example Video
Jordan, 6 year old
Artists and bands who use garageband

Choose a video

1. Find the Materials folder in the Fowler Classroom folder with the "GarageBand CC videos" videos.
2. Or, if you have extra time, download a video from the Moving Image Archive
 * Download as a MP4 file or a Mpeg. Follow Ms. Fowler's directions to either loop it or edit it to make it between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes.

Garageband Help