Tuesday, October 24, 2017

7th Media Arts: Animation and Cartoon

The Animated History of Animation from MC on Vimeo.
This animated gif project relates to the animation projects we will try later in the semester.

1. Watch a video on the history of animation: The Animated History of Animation
3. Research GIF art and animated gifs
GIF Artists:
Kevin Weir
30 Best animated gif artists
Gif artists to know
Mr. Div
Stereoscopic GIFs

Gif pal examples: OneTwoThreeFourFive
STUDENT examples: Look at these examples from last year

4. Create your own Animated GIF
You can make as many as you like. Be creative and original! Turn in your best gif(s) to the HAND IN WORK folder.

Create an Animated Pixel GIF

1. Draw your pixel art
2. Draw how it will move (animate)
Here is a link to PIXEL Art Ideas
3. Use this websites to make and animate your pixel. Piskelapp
4. Download and turn in to Fowler Classroom
5. Upload to Seesaw as a mp4 file

CARTOON Yourself:

This project will introduce you to some basic Photoshop tools and using mouse control. We will use Photoshop to trace a digital photo and show an expressive and emotive cartoon face.
Try it:
If you have extra time, try-
Flipbook Animate
Zimmer Twins Make a Movie
Art Pad
ABC Animate

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