Monday, November 27, 2017

Buttons and T-shirts for a Social Issue

For this project you will be designing T-shirts with a message. You should address a social issue you feel strongly about and create a design that reflects your feelings. First complete the Research and Planning worksheets. 

Use the dictionary on your computer to look up the following words: social justice, *communicate * persuade * protest * issue * propaganda


1. Look at these Links as a class:
2. Look through the links on your own. Pick your favorite three designs and answer the questions on your worksheet.

Makayla W.
NoGodsNoMasters T-shirts
Spreadshirt Activist Ts
AllRiot T-shirts

3. Now research a social issue that you would like to address. This link may help. Circle one of the subjects on your worksheet, or write in your own

4. Sketch 12 different designs.

5. Create a document to try some different fonts and text effects.
Tutorial video on basics of working with text
How to design a T-shirt in Illustrator (Adobe Tutorial)
Design a T-shirt in Illustrator (video)

6. Download symbols or pictograms here:
Use your school email and password.

Choose one design to create in Adobe Illustrator. Show Ms. Fowler to "okay" before you begin on the computer.
Follow the design directions on your worksheet.

Warm Ups
Video: Design of Dissent
Video: The Art of Protest
Video: Posters of Protest
Video: Graphic Design Fundamentals
Podcast: Protest Posters

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